Our farm on a crisp fall day...

Our barn and silo
They were built in the 1920s for dairy cows.

Years of manure
This is what our barn looked like when we first moved in. Twenty years of manure. Talk about a big job!

The silo
It hasn't been used in years, but it's built to last!

The fruit room
This is the downstairs pantry that I'm hoping to fill up at some point!

This is the litter of pigs that Poppy and Petunia came from!

The guesthouse
One of the first things we had to tackle was the ivy. It had overgrown everything! This is the roof of the guesthouse right after we moved in.

Mark and Sawyer at work
Mark got a good start on it. It took at least three weekends, chipping away at it.

The back side of the guest house
You can't even see the upper windows!

The view from inside...
There's actually a beautiful view out this window. Not that you can tell...

Ivy intrusion
This ivy wasn't playing around. It was coming right through the window!

The old chicken coop
It's in pretty bad shape. It used to hold 2,000 chickens! Now it's overgrown with ivy and nettles.

The strange part...
The chicken coop is filled with garlic. At some point, someone harvested garlic and left it there. That's Sawyer, way in the back of the room. And there are three rooms this big, filled with garlic!

The egg house
We didn't even know this building was here. It was completely engulfed in blackberries. When we cut the blackberries back, this tiny house emerged. We're hoping we can save it.

The outhouse
It's a funny little outhouse -- built in the 1930s by the WPA, it's in great shape. It's a two-seater, with a urinal! Sadly, the toilets have been filled in, and we have no interest in digging them out. It's a pretty interesting piece of history, though!

The original kitchen
The kitchen hadn't been updated much since 1951.

The original kitchen

The new kitchen
All we did was paint and put in an island, and take out the upper cabinets. What a difference, though!

The new kitchen
We knew we'd be doing a lot of cooking, and the kitchen looks great!

The new kitchen

One of our haylofts
This one has a basketball hoop for rainy winter days!

Making jam
I've learned to can almost anything since we moved in!
Salsa and peppers

Washington scenery
Sawyer went camping with Boy Scouts out in the mountains. Really, could it get any prettier than this?

My favorite picture
This has nothing to do with the farm. It's just one of my favorite pictures, of Sawyer falling asleep holding his baby sister's hand. They're ten years apart, so he was ten when this was taken. He's a very sweet brother to her.